Autism Research Institute
4182 Adams Avenue
San Diego, CA 92116, USA

Questo il link in cui è possibile compilare il test ATEC - Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (in italiano):

here you can download ATEC test:

L'Autism Research Institute ha finanziato le nostre ricerche scientifiche sulle variazioni biomolecolari nell'autismo con i grants: 

Autism Research institute (ARI) funded our research on biomolecular changes in autism with the grants:

- 2013 Autism Research Institute (ARI) Funded Research Studies “Research that makes a difference”, research project funded by ARI: "Matrix metalloproteinases expression in autism spectrum disorders". Principal Investigator: Dario Siniscalco

- 2010 Autism Research Institute (ARI) Funded Research Studies “Research that makes a difference”, research project funded by ARI: Molecular pathways involved in oxidative stress and leaky gut impairment in autism spectrum disorders. Principal Investigators: Dario Siniscalco, Anna Sapone, Nicola Antonucci

The main aim of this research is to investigate the relationship between
the gastrointestinal tract and autism and to understand how gut, brain, nutritional,
and toxic status are consistent with greater oxidative stress in autistic
spectrum disorders (ASDs).
Researchers will perform detailed analyses on several biological aspects of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), and of the intestinal mucosa of ASD patients, in order to identify several proteins and genes involved in inflammatory and cellular stress response, as well as the innate and adaptive immunological response.  In particular, we will study the molecular pathways responsible for apoptosis, inflammation and cell damage or suffering of ASD-PBMCs, identifying the proteases involved in the activation pathways as possible diagnostic and/or therapeutic tools.

(PI: Dario Siniscalco, Chem.D., Ph.D., Anna Sapone, M.D., Ph.D., Nicola Antonucci, M.D.; Second University of Naples, Italy)

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